Boredom is so sneaky. Today it found me.
Hello boredom what shall I do with you? Do I research new hairstyles because of the seemingly thousands of pounds of hair pulling my scalp away from my scull. Why yes I do and a Reese Witherspoon bob seems to be the impending choice thankyou for very much. Now that thats done do I take care of my two patients? Yes I do but that is uneventful except for a stream of urine nearly hitting me in the eye as I neel eye level with a penis when a patient straight catheterizes himself. Hmmm what next......facebook or gmail or how about both? Why yes yes and yes. Why is no one on-line on a beautiful sunday in San Diego? I guess I will just type sweet nothings to my friend who has better things to do than talk to me. No response well that is just fine my feelings are not hurt at all. Not even a bit. In fact, I already have moved on and now I am on facebook stalking a variety of vaguely interesting past friends and aquaintances. Uh oh here comes boredom again as I look at the 100th picture of a stranger whom I've never met. What to do, what to do? Message random people for no apparent reason including boyfriend pleading for life direction and purpose. Response, "Don't you want to go back to school or something? Maybe you should research graduate schools." Yes thankyou I completely forgot I didn't want to kneel in front of penises for the rest of my life I will get right on that(and not in a gross way in case you have a dirty mind). One hour later I have compiled a sizable list of unrealistic ivy league schools maybe one actual possibility. There's that and boredom you are back I thought you had left but you know me too well. No matter at all I still have yet to do my most favorite activity ever, planner writing. Is it necessary to write down in tiny handwriting my hour to hour "plans" for the next week and beyond? Perhaps not but it sure does make me feel like a million bucks when pay school loan is written neatly above toga party. It is obviously very important that one is written before the other. Oh wait, I'm sorry the day is over? Fare well boredom I bid thee good night.