I am a rational girl. I believe in hard work, science, good decisions (whatever those are) and feminism. I am have the makings of a terrible housewife. I don't cook and hate supermarkets. I hate buying food in general and wish that I didn't have to waste my time with preparing food or "heating something up." But I love to eat and admire and treasure good food. My version of doing laundry is putting everything into one washer and putting some soap in there....usually everything comes out fine...usually. I am often so impatient that I leave the laundrymat with a majority of damp clothing which I then hang up to dry at home. I read way too much and I stay up way too late 99.9% of the time. My car has approximately 5 empty ceramic coffee cups rolling around on the ground at any given time because I find it impossible to remember to take them out.
All of the above I confess to be true and yet I admit that I make the largest exception in the history of the world for holidays. I love holidays. They fill my heart with joy and glee and fill me with strange desires to craft things. I love them so much I believe that I would attempt in the right circumstance to save any Christmas or Thanksgiving by cooking a large decadent meal. I love decorations, I love pumpkins, I love lamp.
And.....it is starting. I feel it in the air and above all things I want to carve a pumpkin and watch Hocus Pocus. Godwilling.