Monday, December 7, 2009

Hello my name is Bionica

Bionica is the alter ego one of dear friends has coined for me in this current unfortunate season of my life. I embrace the name and the qualities that are included within its self created persona only because the alternative consists of long sad days ruminating on my current circumstances. Bionica was born the day I broke my hand. The sky blue cast and metal hardware covering my right hand and arm might be perceived by some to be a disability but to Bionica it is a shining beacon of hope, a chance to change her life circumstances. Bionica may have to construct a makeshift claw out of a plastic bag in order to shave her left armpit but she also has oodles of time to slowly type this blog or research her bright world domineering future. Bionica may have to use every hard earned precious hour of sick and vacation leave but she will at least be able to roll and relish in the season, something that she would only have been able to graze with both of her intact appendages if circumstances were different. Bionica embraces her disability and may in fact exploit it for all of the following things; seasonal jobs, sympathy, affection, praise, attention and servant like service from her friends and family. Bionica's robotic like right arm and spirit may not be indestructible as evidenced by the snapshot of her coddling her arm in a depressive like passive stupor on the living room couch but she has the resources to rise above her circumstances in order to decorate the living room to resemble an elegant winter wonderland complete with personally one handed crafted ornaments hanging from the eerily perfect tree. Bionica forges on into a uncertain future but I cannot wait what left hand super powers she develops next.

1 comment:

  1. Make sure you upload the pen tool to your Bionic arm, please. And servant-like service? I can't really take offense, as it is 99.9% true, but still.
